Henry VII (1485-1509), Fine Gold Angel, class V, St Michael with both feet on dragon, dragon tail ends by wing tip, beaded circle surrounding, initial mark crosslet (1504-05), terminal mark upward pheon (1505-09) both sides, nimbus and spear break inner circle, comma and tiny saltire stops both sides, hEnRIC9x DI’x GRA’x REX’x AGLIE’x Zx FRA’, rev die axis at 9 o’clock, ship sailing right, short bowsprit, ropes two to left, one to right, quartered shield upon hull, cross above, h to left, rose to right, PERx CRVCE’x TVA’x SALVA’x nOSx XPE’x RED’x, 5.12g (Schneider 540; S.C.B.I. 23:52-54; N.1698; S.2187).
Toned, weakly struck in parts, otherwise about very fine and rare with twin mintmarks.
ex Seaby Coin and Medal Bulletin, June 1955, item G746. ex Glendining, 24 November 1976, lot 72. bought A H Baldwin & Sons Ltd, 10 September 1993.