Edward VI 1547-53), Second Period, January 1549 – April 1550, Gold Halfcrown, mintmark arrow (obverse only), uncrowned bust of right, small square stops, legend surrounds SCVTVM FIDEI PROTEGET EVM. Rev, crowned quartered garnished shield of arms, E and R flanking either side all within inner linear beaded circle. Legend surrounds EDWARD VI DG AGL FR Z HR, 1.32g (S.2443; N.1915; Schneider 678).
An arresting example of the second issue Gold half-crown, portrait and hair well struck up, a considerably skilful strike on such a small flan module. Light crease in obverse, otherwise very clear fields. Legends legible both sides, both inner linear circles displaying precise beading. Seldom appearing in dealers’ trays or in auction listings, a genuinely very rare denomination in the reign. Bold good very fine.